yang tak tertahan:
1. bile Vice Dean ...tuuuttt... ckp ...
"admire u all nyer courage"setelah proposal direject keberapa kali nyer hanye kerana mslh penyediaan sebut harga.
setelah b'hempas pulas
membelasah porposal ke MELAKA (gambar tidak dpt disiarkan)at the end we won diz war even x wit full of our heart.challenge toksah kate ar... kejam tul mereka
pd kami. at least kitorg dpt gak pegi...
MELAKA tggu ketibaan kami di sna...
2. bab HRM 533 lg best. nmpk sgt kegembiraan terpancar di wajah si dia. uhuhuhuhu. smpi saje melajak'n kelas sehingga
kitorg ketandusan idea utk melwk'n diri.
utk si dia " yg penting die hepi..hepi...hepi..."
1. bile Vice Dean ...tuuuttt... ckp ...
"admire u all nyer courage"setelah proposal direject keberapa kali nyer hanye kerana mslh penyediaan sebut harga.
setelah b'hempas pulas
membelasah porposal ke MELAKA (gambar tidak dpt disiarkan)at the end we won diz war even x wit full of our heart.challenge toksah kate ar... kejam tul mereka
pd kami. at least kitorg dpt gak pegi...
MELAKA tggu ketibaan kami di sna...
2. bab HRM 533 lg best. nmpk sgt kegembiraan terpancar di wajah si dia. uhuhuhuhu. smpi saje melajak'n kelas sehingga
kitorg ketandusan idea utk melwk'n diri.
utk si dia " yg penting die hepi..hepi...hepi..."
yang slack nyer :
haku telah membebelkan diri krn kekejaman manusia..hadoi kwn boleh tlg tak?
tolong la ek...tolong respect...respect...respect!
tiada pensabitan ttp menyebbkan Ayana n Asheh
kecian diowang tp tula kwn2ku msh menerima diriku seadanya.
at least i'm not kill someOne dat need to be kill (18PL,SG& .......)
isn't dat too much hah...
peace no war...
semulia-mulia manusia adalah memaafkan kesalahan org len.
tp kalu tak slh..lu pikir ar sndiri...
(word taken from Nabil-King of Klaka)
even we pay our food, we buy our clothes using own money...
live in our own life..
but remember we live wit people surround us.
who wanna be our frens who eat 2gether, shoppin 2gether, ngomel n umpat 2gether,
cry 2gether, landing their shoulder when sad... who??????
just think bout it..u choose wether u alone or not..
me.. of coz need family n frenz to complete my life.
dont be so kedekut to sharing all we have becoz what we have is
a loan from Allah.. just think what do u wanna think.
don't bother me at all coz i just write what i feel..
renung2 kan & selamat beramal
(sharing is caring...do u follow me...pissst from Pn. AOM)
live in our own life..
but remember we live wit people surround us.
who wanna be our frens who eat 2gether, shoppin 2gether, ngomel n umpat 2gether,
cry 2gether, landing their shoulder when sad... who??????
just think bout it..u choose wether u alone or not..
me.. of coz need family n frenz to complete my life.
dont be so kedekut to sharing all we have becoz what we have is
a loan from Allah.. just think what do u wanna think.
don't bother me at all coz i just write what i feel..
renung2 kan & selamat beramal
(sharing is caring...do u follow me...pissst from Pn. AOM)
yup yup
kena bljr maafkan org len
even ianya kdg kala hati kite pun x dpt terima....
bwa bertenang ye kawan2...
aku pun ngah blajar respect org
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